My New Slide

My New Slide

My New Slide

Well ever since Jenna’s Beach Trip to Cali she has been on a mission to get back to the beach, So guess what, My longest and dearest friend Richard calls with an invite saying he will be in the area and wants to know if we’ll join him in Lake Havasu for a day of boating on the lake, Well i think to myself and figured it’s not really a beach but close enough right ? The last time we visited there was to see the London Bridge with the kids so off we went it was a great days with friends and family.

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My New Slide

My New Slide

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Latest Arrival

Latest Arrival

Latest Arrival
Hi everybody, My Name Is Ezra, And I’m the latest member of the Haney/Hardin Family, You know I was just born a little while back on August 27 th 2022 around 5:27 in the afternoon. So Far so good, I was born a little early so I didn’t weigh that much but since mom feeds me so good i have already gained 2 lbs in just a few weeks, anyway hope you enjoy view make pictures and little adventures as i grow up !

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