Emily’s Corner Articles

Emily With Her Foster Family

Emily With Her Foster Family Our Granddaughter Emily in California with her foster family. We are so thankful they are taking such amazing care of her.

Emily and Wilbur Meet

Well now I've seen it all, a Pot Belly Pig walking the roads in Golden Valley. Never would I have ever thought to see this in the middle of the desert, But we did and Emily had fun trying to feed it through the fence. Once Jenna got home we let Wilbur in the...

Latest Emily Update

Jenna and I had our finger prints done this week for background checks, I.C.P.C. will be here next Wednesday for the home inspection. Emily's foster mother Tracy sent these videos to us the other day..   [youtube id="ilxtC4ncegw" mode="thumbnail"...

Latest Emily Update

Jenna and I had our finger prints done this week for background checks, I.C.P.C. will be here next Wednesday for the...

Life With A Camera
Valley Of Gold Ranch
Family Trips and Fun





Baby Noah

The EZ-Man