Hi, I’m Emily. But I’m also known as Emmy-Boo. I’m a little young to do this webpage stuff so Grandma is gonna help me okay. So hopefully we’ll have fun together putting up pictures and Stuff. Grandma came to visit me in California so I wanna start with those pictures, cause I really love Grandma and we had a really fun visit, and I can’t wait to move back to Arizona with her and Grandpa, and the rest of my Family.

My Latest Posts

Emily With Her Foster Family

Emily With Her Foster Family

Emily With Her Foster Family Our Granddaughter Emily in California with her foster family. We are so thankful they are taking such amazing care of her.

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Never Forgotten !!!

To Our Soldiers

Hope you like the rest

Life With A Camera
Valley Of Gold Ranch
Family Trips and Fun





Baby Noah

The EZ-Man